Cantara Integration Platform
Cantara Integration Platform
The Cantara Integration Platform takes both the cost and complexity out delivering robust, highly available and scalable integration points for the Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne product. The solution has been designed from the ground up to ensure that organisations can design and deploy tightly integrated systems using open standards based tools and skills readily available in today’s marketplace.
With the Cantara Integration Platform our customers can deploy secure REST based services in minutes rather than days or weeks. It provides the ability to quickly define services that give access to all JD Edwards functions, data, reports and media objects thus enabling our customers to realise the full benefit of their investment in JD Edwards.
By providing the Cantara Integration Platform on an annual subscription basis there are no capital costs in deploying the solution. The Rinami motto is that the Cantara Integration Platform is the alternative to “Do nothing”. To achieve this the solution is priced such that licensing costs do not even need to come into the equation.
Building off the capabilities of the original Cantara Integration Platform we have also introduced advanced job scheduling functions to the enterprise edition of the product. This addition enables our customers to overcome the limitations of the standard Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne batch scheduler by enabling:
- Scheduling dependencies between jobs and groups of jobs
- Different schedules for different JD Edwards environments
- High availability with the capability to load balance across multiple JD Edwards batch servers
- Notifications on job failure or completion
- Gantt chart visualisation of the schedule including defined dependencies
REST Services
Developing and publishing a RESTful service is a breeze with Cantara’s code-free service development and publishing capabilities. This powerful platform has been designed to minimize risks and maximize productivity by fetching the JDE specs for any Business Function, NER, Table, View, Report version definition and converting them to a service automatically.
Cantara then allows the developer to manage specifically how they wish to interact with some or all of the elements of the Data Structure, including setting constants, in/out attributes, hiding fields etc. They can then save the configuration as a uniquely named service.
All REST services consume and return formatted data, utilizing the Data Dictionary definitions. There is no need to translate any data to the database values for Business Units, Decimal offsets or Julian dates
Metadata can also be returned with many data types, to minimize complexity. For example, returning UDC or Business Unit descriptions and other attributes as well as the code.
Publish and re-publish services with no coding and just one click!
Cantara’s extension framework facilitates the integration with just about any other system or device that is open to network communications. These extensions can be used for numerous diverse purposes such as:
- routing a single BI Publisher formatted document to JDE Sales Order attachments, to your document management system and the printer
- creating 2-way integrations with another ERP or CRM system
- integrating cloud Procurement with your JDE AP and GL
- publishing O/S scripts as REST services
Easy Administration
Utilise the capabilities of an advanced administration platform to gather detailed performance metrics, it also allows you to effortlesly audit data and streamline the whole administration process.
Historical Session Audit
Each session’s activities are logged in the Data Store, and can be reviewed for the specified Date/Time range. This is useful for reviewing the applications that are being used, how frequently they are being used and how long each user is logged in for.
This inquiry can also be utilised to find REST Transaction, combining the Date/Time range with Filter text, or for finding JDE Transactions in the specified Date/Time range where the request/response includes Filter text.
Detailed REST tracking
REST transactions are independently logged, by Start End time, and the Request and Response can be reviewed to investigate any reported issues. Each transaction is also classified by its Type code and Transaction name so this log is also very useful for assessing the duration that each transaction is taking to respond. When issues are occurring, this is an invaluable tool that allows investigation of the error codes that are returned in the transaction response.
Cloud Version
Our fully integrated cloud solution allows users to fully unlock the benefits of this platform with greater access to integration of data, reporting and mobile application possibilities. Our technology has been specifically developed for large projects that involve complex workflows, co-dependencies and large capital investments. Our solution is applicable to many industries including mining & resources, logistics, manufacturing, service providers and local government.
Cloud Features
- A device certification access protocol and software code for cloud access to JD Edwards systems and our valued added modules
- A secure Software architecture and service layer that facilitates to remote access to JD Edwards systems and our products
- Know-how and methods to achieve acceptable user response times and system performance from a cloud based interaction with a JD Edwards site and our multi-tenant cloud platform
- Communication and restore session protocols for off line on line instances of complex JD Edwards data particularly in areas where internet service is variable
- Design Schema for shop floor and e-commerce Apps capable of integration with JD Edward sites
Advanced Job Scheduler
Cantara delivers intelligent, dependency – driven UBE batch report and extension scheduling.
The core functionality of the Cantara is design for tightly coupled integrations with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne through authenticated Query execution, Function execution and Batch Report submission capabilities. Cantara Extensions then provide the additional framework to extend integration to just about any other system.
The Advanced Job Scheduler bundles all of this together, with a comprehensive suite of tools, to configure, monitor and report on the scheduled report and extension submissions.
Running out of Batch server capacity?
Get the most from your clustered Batch server’s processing capacity by load balancing and omitting duplicate queued report submissions. Avoid periods of non-processing using dependencies and parallel processing.
Free up single-threaded queues with virtual single-threaded intra-group processing.
Manage server shutdown and restart, and streamline your batch report processing, with logical report groups and intelligent group dependencies.
Wish you could apply one change to many reports?
You can! Cantara’s Advanced Job Scheduler uses optional variables for Processing Options, Report Interconnects and Data Selection parameters, which can be re-used with any scheduled report objects and versions.
Cantara’s Advanced Job Scheduler provides powerful tools to schedule, visualize and report on JD Edwards batch report and Cantara extension processes
Group Scheduling
Combine your reports in logical groups, each defined as sequential or parallel processing. These groups are scheduled using Cron, Period Date Pattern or Simple Interval Triggers.
Groups can be independently activated/de-activated and an Exclusion Calendar can be applied to automate when the group’s reports are considered for submission.
Group-Group dependencies manage the relationship between groups. These are configured so that the dependent group will only process if the parent group either has launched, has completed (regardless of success or failure) or has completed successfully.
Processing duration can also be used to measure success or failure of a group, measured against both Min Duration and Max Duration. This can in fluence dependent groups and notification emails.
Three trigger methods can be applied to Groups. Simple time-based triggers schedule groups on consistent time intervals, such as seconds, hours, days, weeks etc. Period triggers utilize the Company date-pattern, to enable triggers like “The Second Tuesday in the month” or “The Last Day in the month” etc. Cron triggers provide very powerful algorithms to enable complex scheduling, like “Every 20 Minutes between 8:00 and 20:00 Monday – Friday”.
When Batch Reports are submitted, Cantara can override Processing Option, Report Interconnect and Data Selection filter parameters. The values that are applied can be static or be sourced from Cantara Scheduler Variables. This is an extremely efficient way to set variables that require regular revision, such as an override to the GL Date processing option that must be updated every month on multiple reports definitions
Variable can also contain email addresses, and can be used on the Group notifcations of Success, Warning or Failure. So updating one variable for the responsible person delegates their messages for all.
Misfire and Multiple Instances
Configure the behaviour of Groups when abnormal scenarios occur, such as failure to submit, or if a new instance is triggered while an existing instance is still running.
The upcoming and running report submissions are provided for review of currently scheduled reports. A Gantt Chart, grouped by Stream, provides a visual chart of group-group relationships and submission schedules. Detailed History records clearly identify any errors, and provide feedback of actual submission and run durations for individual UBE jobs. These tools give great visibility of the upcoming scheduler activities, and analysis of historical performance.